Bank - ICBCoin
Crypto Bank Coin


International transfers can be made with cryptocurrencies for very small commission.

In our system there are two kinds of transfers – simple (1 ICBC) and private (5 ICBC):

  • Simple transfer – can be fully viewed by everybody in the Explorer.
  • Private transfer – only the hash value is shown in the Explorer. This takes longer than a simple transfer, because it passes several times through the platform, making it a private transfer


Deposit – an amount of ICB coins that is placed in the bank which gives interest.

Gold (ICBC)

On Gold coin deposits from 1 coin a daily*1 interest payment will be made, according to the following table:

  • 20% yearly interest rate during the 1st year
  • 17% yearly interest rate during the 2nd year
  • 14% yearly interest rate during the 3rdyear
  • 3% yearly interest rate during the 4th and next years


Silver deposits from 1 coin will be paid at a yearly interest rate of 33% on a daily basis.
Silver can be bought on the domestic exchange (in the wallet) for gold (ICBC).

*1 - the year starts counting from the day that the genesis block is created in the blockchain


Loans – obtaining a specified number of coins for temporary use.
Silver coins are converted to Credit coins and added to the loan obtainer’s account through an on-site bidding process.
After the end of the loan contract ends, the amount is automatically returned to the lender.
Interest on the loan needs to be paid in advance.